SAPPHIRE: A Celebration of Colour
The final book in Joanna’s trilogy of our three favourite coloured gemstones is out now
Sapphire is the stone of many colours and many meanings - a giant in both size and power. With hundreds of images of dazzling sapphire jewels and photographs of sapphire’s microscopic inclusions, Joanna tells the stories of some of the most important sapphire discoveries and the finest jewellery craftsmanship.

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Article - Gilt by Association: Great Estate Sales, Tatler Watches & Jewellery Guide 2021
A peak at Tatler’s definitive Watches & Jewellery Guide 2021
Joanna shared her secrets from the world of jewellery auctions as she reflected on some of the most notable jewels to reach this highest level of competitive buying. From royal jewels to the gems Joanna will remember forever, this article is your go-to for all the intricate facets of these jewellery legends.
Joanna Hardy for Tatler Watches & Jewellery Guide 2021
Tatler, December 2021
Article - Animal Magnetism, Country Life
In April, Joanna reflected on the jewels that immortalise the characters of our animal world
From man’s best friend to mystical beats, jewellers have looked to the animals we share this world with - both in fact and fiction - for inspiration. Joanna reflects on these characterful and expressive jewels.
Joanna Hardy for Country Life
April 2021
Article - Of Knowledge & Brilliance, Diamond World
Joanna shares her take on the coloured gemstone industry and her favourite jewels with The International Diamonds & Jewellery Magazine from India
From Maria Felix’s Cartier snake necklace to the crown of Queen Blanche, Joanna reveals her highlights of working in the international jewellery industry and how she got to where she is today.
Joanna Hardy for Diamond World
November/December 2020
Article - Profile / Elizabeth Gage: Garden of Delights, Vanity Fair
Joanna discusses the inspiration that titan of the jewellery industry Elizabeth Gage finds in the natural world around her
Check out Joanna’s article in the September 2020 edition of Vanity Fair after she met with Elizabeth Gage to talk about the wonderful link between jewels and green spaces.
Joanna Hardy for Vanity Fair
September 2020
A Gem of a Life
Listen to Joanna’s podcast with Action Packed
Tune in to hear Joanna’s story, from diamond dealer and jewellery valuer to presenter and author. Listen by clicking the image below and click here for the transcript and photos from Joanna’s work and travels.
Industry Insights with Joanna and Bibi van der Velden
Watch Joanna’s IGTV discussion with Auverture curator Bibi van der Velden as they discuss authenticity in the industry and the future of fine jewellery post COVID-19.
Originally shown on Auverture’s Instagram, 6 May 2020. Click the advert to watch!
Nelson's Lost Chelengk Podcast
Listen to Joanna discuss the fascinating story of recreating Britain's lost jewel
Bestowed upon Admiral Lord Nelson by the Sultan Selim III of Turkey following Britain's defeat of the French in the Battle of the Nile in 1798, this hat jewel once delighted British high society. Tragically, in 1951 the jewel was stolen and never found. In understanding the story of the chelengk, historian Martyn Downer decided to recreate the jewel with the help of London-based craftspeople. Joanna watched the jewel's remarkable journey from original design to sparkling ornament. Listen to the story here.
See Courses & Events - Lectures for more information and additional upcoming events.
JEwels, Gems and Fine Craftsmanship
Joanna's latest jewellery highlights on Instagram
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